Your Spiritual Investment

Flexible Spiritual Investment Options Tailored to Your Unique Journey

Intuitive Tarot Readings

charged monthly
  • Bi-weekly calls
  • Business advice
  • Access to community
  • Personal dashboard


charged monthly
Everything in simple Plus
  • Weekly calls
  • Yoga and meditation classes
  • Personalized workshops
  • Real life meeting


charged monthly
  • Daily calls
  • Manifestation classes
  • Access to extra members community
  • Monthly community meetings

Not only coaching

With me Divine Plant Lady, you're embarking on more than a coaching journey. You're setting forth on a spiritual expedition towards self-discovery, healing, and empowerment.

Bespoke approach

DPL's offerings transcend conventional coaching. She designs a unique spiritual roadmap tailored to your journey, combining elements of life coaching, psychic readings, and tarot to catalyze your personal growth.

Regular Touchpoints

Benefit from weekly calls with DPL, maintaining a consistent rhythm of guidance and support. These sessions become your touchstones, illuminating your path and propelling your progress.

Spiritual Community

Join a thriving community of like-minded souls seeking spiritual enlightenment. Here, you're never alone on your journey. Shared experiences, wisdom, and support amplify your spiritual growth.

Clear goals

Together with DPL, you'll establish clear spiritual goals. As you journey, these objectives provide direction and measure your progress, guiding you towards your envisioned spiritual harmony.

Frequently Asked Questions

For Further Insights and Enlightenment, Delve into Our Spiritual FAQ Sanctuary

How can Divine Guidance help me in my life?

Divine Guidance can provide clarity, direction, and wisdom on your life's path. It can help you navigate challenges, make important decisions, and foster personal and spiritual growth by tuning into a greater consciousness beyond our immediate physical reality.

Can these spiritual services help with mental health issues like anxiety or depression?

While these services can support overall well-being and self-awareness, they should not be used as a replacement for professional mental health services. If you're experiencing mental

Do I need to have a certain level of spiritual knowledge or experience to benefit from these services?

No, these services are open to all, regardless of spiritual knowledge or experience. They are designed to support your personal and spiritual growth journey wherever you are on that path.

How long does a typical session last?

A typical session usually lasts around 60 to 90 minutes, but the duration can vary depending on the service and individual needs.

Are the sessions confidential and private?

Yes, these sessions are confidential. Any information shared is kept strictly private between you and the service provider, respecting professional ethical guidelines.

What exactly is Spiritual Goal Setting?

Spiritual Goal Setting involves defining and working towards personal and spiritual development objectives that align with your beliefs and aspirations. It's about growth, self-awareness, and fostering a deeper spiritual connection.

What should I expect from a Personal Affirmation Creation session?

During a Personal Affirmation Creation session, you'll work on crafting positive, empowering statements that resonate with your life goals and aspirations. These affirmations are designed to enhance your self-belief and promote a positive mindset.

How often should I schedule these sessions?

The frequency of sessions can vary greatly depending on your personal needs, goals, and the nature of the service. It's best to discuss this with the service provider.

What does Divine Advisement involve?

Divine Advisement involves seeking wisdom and guidance from divine sources or higher consciousness. It's about fostering a connection with the spiritual realm or inner wisdom to navigate life's challenges and promote spiritual growth.

How soon can I expect to see changes or results?

Personal and spiritual growth is a unique and often gradual process. Some people may notice changes immediately, while others may observe transformations over weeks or months.

What is the cost of these services?

Costs can vary based on the nature of the service, the duration of the sessions, and the service provider. It's recommended to reach out to the service provider directly for the most accurate information.